New Marketing Skills…What are they?

A few years ago it seemed as if the new skill to learn was social media. It was important for you to get a Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin account to be considered knowledgeable. Ever since the adoption of these new social channels, there has been a drive to change the face of marketing. In the past, companies used to be in charge of what they sold and how much they sold it for. Now, everything has flipped–the consumer is in control, as they can get peer reviews of a product from a Facebook chat or a blog about the company that is selling the product. No longer are they dependent on being informed about a product solely from a company.

I believe that marketing has become more client oriented. The client is in charge of what a company sells. Many believe that the marketing field will remain the same as there is no need to change.   I do not believe that this will be the case…

There are new skills that every marketer needs and my co workers and I are stumped as to what they are.  The colleges are all teaching new classes such as creativity, B2B marketing, B2C marketing, etc. We know the younger generation will have what they need to be successful. But how do we move these skills further down the line to those who have been in the company for some time?  It’s going to require a great deal of training, and we have to invest in the future.

Companies have to realize that they no longer have the power they once had over consumers.  If they don’t change, they will be left behind.

What do you think are the new skills that marketers will need in the future?